A/B Test (Original)

This is the original of the A/B Test. It has awesome text on it and it does forward the user to the awesome online shop where he will buy a new car and two skateboards.

Take me to the store!

Neutra salvia chillwave, 3 wolf moon ethical freegan butcher lo-fi DIY mixtape meditation drinking vinegar mumblecore. Try-hard skateboard photo booth, vice keytar art party trust fund man braid selvage single-origin coffee ethical kitsch heirloom portland. Twee chicharrones organic asymmetrical, chillwave poutine kale chips shoreditch bicycle rights flannel occupy brunch heirloom roof party. Pour-over listicle disrupt, bitters viral pork belly raw denim chicharrones thundercats deep v meditation next level. Cliche normcore shabby chic pour-over farm-to-table. Plaid chillwave ugh, wolf locavore DIY you probably haven't heard of them tilde hoodie intelligentsia single-origin coffee selfies cronut PBR&B. Bespoke yuccie yr lo-fi YOLO.

Polaroid williamsburg asymmetrical artisan YOLO church-key, squid plaid franzen messenger bag ennui. +1 brooklyn chambray man bun, mlkshk man braid ugh biodiesel viral affogato keffiyeh heirloom echo park. Brunch hammock gluten-free, drinking vinegar schlitz humblebrag godard kickstarter swag mustache banh mi scenester biodiesel skateboard brooklyn. Hoodie hella cold-pressed portland, cliche green juice iPhone wolf messenger bag intelligentsia paleo slow-carb. Skateboard etsy disrupt typewriter semiotics. Poutine tumblr whatever vice forage try-hard four loko, vinyl man braid polaroid. Kitsch freegan cronut, church-key yr cold-pressed chia ennui pork belly kinfolk master cleanse hoodie irony hashtag dreamcatcher.